In BitNet b1.58, we quantize activation functions to reduce memory comsumption and improve speed. A concise implementation in PyTorch will look something like:
def activation_quant(x):
scale = 127.0 / x.abs().max(dim=-1,
y = (x * scale).round().clamp_(-128, 127) / scale
return y
Not that due to the precense of the round()
, this becomes non-differentiable, so we use the detach trick for straight through estimators (STE)
STE: In the backward pass, basically pass the gradient as is through this layer without any calculation, pretending this function/layer to be identity
class BitLinear(nn.Linear):
Only for training
def forward(self, x):
w = self.weight
x_quant = x + (activation_quant(x) - x).detach()