
The detach() trick follows the pattern:

y = f(x)
y = f(x).detach() + x - x.detach()
# simplifying further we get
y = x + (f(x).detach() - x.detach())
y = x + (f(x) - x).detach()

where is a discrete function. Something like this is commonly seen during quantization and more recently in 1-bit LLMs such as BitNet b1.58 which discretizes weights to [-1, 0, 1].

In the forward pass, y value comes out to be f(x) as we want. The beauty of this comes during the backward pass, where we have

because something.detach() has gradient 0 (detached from computation graph). A practical example to prove this:

def binary_with_ste(x):
    # Forward: binary step function
    # Backward: identity gradient
    return (x > 0).float().detach() + x - x.detach()
x = torch.tensor([0.6, -0.2, 1.5, -1.0], requires_grad=True)
y = binary_with_ste(x)
print("Forward values:", y)  # Will be [1, 0, 1, 0]
print("Gradients:", x.grad)  # Will be [1, 1, 1, 1]


Use scaling for better stability:

y = f(x).detach() + 0.1 * (x - x.detach())