The Hockey Stick Identity: can be proven using a combinatorial argument based on distributing candies to children. Consider the following scenario:
We have n
indistinguishable candies to distribute among k
distinguishable children. This distribution can be counted in two different ways:
- Direct Counting: Using the stars and bars method, we know there are ways to distribute n indistinguishable objects into k distinguishable groups.
- Alternative Counting: We can also count this by first deciding how many candies (call it i) to give to the first child:
- For each choice of i candies (where ) given to the first child
- We then distribute the remaining n-i candies to k-1 children
- By stars and bars, this gives ways for each i
- Summing over all possible i gives us:
By the principle of double counting, these must be equal:
To transform this into our Hockey Stick Identity, we make the substitutions:
- Let
- Let
Noting that , we get:
Finally, renaming as and as , gives us the identity: