Day 1: Push + HIIT
AM: HIIT (45 min)
- 5 min warm-up (incline jog, arm circles, leg swings)
- 20 min treadmill intervals: 30 sec sprint, 90 sec jog x8
- 8 min circuit: Push-ups, Mountain climbers, Burpees, Plank hold (30 sec each, 1 min rest, 3 rounds)
- 5 min cool-down (light jog/cycling, static stretches)
PM: Push (50 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Resistance tube work, shadow boxing
- Superset 1 (4 rounds): A. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 8-10 reps B. Dumbbell Arnold Press: 10-12 reps
- Superset 2 (3 rounds): A. Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 12-15 reps B. Resistance tube flyes: 15 reps
- Finisher: Lateral Raises 3x15, db skull crusher 3x15
- 5 min cool-down
Day 2: Pull + Zone 2 Cardio
AM: Zone 2
- 5 min warm-up
- 50 min steady cycling (60-70% max HR)
- 5 min cool-down
PM: Pull (50 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Resistance tube work, shadow boxing
- Superset 1 (4 rounds): A. Barbell Bent-Over Rows: 8-10 reps B. Lat Pulldowns: 10-12 reps
- Superset 2 (3 rounds): A. Dumbbell Single-Arm Rows: 12 reps each B. Face Pulls: 15 reps
- Finisher: Bicep Curl 21s x2
- 5 min cool-down
Day 3: Legs + HIIT
AM: HIIT (45 min)
- 5 min warm-up
- 20 min Tabata: Squat jumps, Mountain climbers, Burpees, High knees
- 15 min Dumbbell Complex: 5 each of Cleans, Front Squats, Push Press, Bent-Over Rows
- 5 min cool-down
PM: Legs (50 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Resistance tube work, shadow boxing
- Superset 1 (4 rounds): A. Barbell Back Squats: 8-10 reps B. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts: 10-12 reps
- Superset 2 (3 rounds): A. Walking Lunges: 20 steps B. Leg Press: 15 reps
- Finisher: Calf Raise 21s x2
- 5 min cool-down
Day 4: Upper Body + Skill Work
AM: Zone 2 Cardio (60 min)
- 5 min warm-up
- 50 min treadmill run (60-70% max HR, alternate 1% and 5% incline every 5 min)
- 5 min cool-down
PM: Upper Body + MMA (50 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Resistance tube work, shadow boxing
- Circuit (4 rounds): Push-ups: 15 reps Dumbbell Rows: 12 reps each Shoulder Press: 10 reps Tricep Dips: 15 reps Face Pulls: 15 reps Plank Hold: 45 sec
- 10 min MMA skill work: Shadow boxing drills
Day 5: Lower Body + HIIT
AM: HIIT (45 min)
- 5 min warm-up
- 20 min cycling HIIT: 4 min on 4 min off
- 15 min circuit: Squat jumps, Lunges, Bicycle crunches, Mountain climbers (30 sec each, 3 rounds)
- 5 min cool-down
PM: Lower Body (50 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Resistance tube work, shadow boxing
- Superset 1 (4 rounds): A. Dumbbell Goblet Squats: 12 reps B. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts: 10 reps each
- Superset 2 (3 rounds): A. Bulgarian Split Squats: 12 reps each B. Glute Bridges with tube: 15 reps
- Finisher: Calf Raises 20 reps + Squat Jumps 10 reps x3
- 5 min cool-down
Day 6: Full Body + Skill Work
AM: Zone 2 Cardio (60 min)
- 5 min warm-up
- 50 min treadmill run (60-70% max HR, alternate 0% and 8% incline every 5 min)
- 5 min cool-down
PM: Full Body + MMA (50 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Resistance tube work, shadow boxing
- Circuit (3 rounds): Dumbbell Thrusters: 12 reps Renegade Rows: 10 reps each Romanian Deadlifts: 12 reps Push-ups: 15 reps Plank to Downward Dog: 10 reps Woodchoppers: 10 each side
- 15 min MMA skill work: Power and speed drills
Day 7: Active Recovery + Mobility
AM: Light Cardio + Mobility (60 min)
- 5 min warm-up
- 20 min light cardio (cycling or incline walk)
- 15 min mobility work: hips, spine, shoulders, ankles
- Hip openers: 2 min
- Thoracic spine mobility: 2 min
- Shoulder mobility: 2 min
- Ankle mobility: 2 min
- Foam rolling (if available) or self-massage: 5 min
- 5 min cool-down
PM: Yoga-inspired Flexibility (60 min)
- 10 min warm-up: Sun salutations
- 45 min flexibility work: warrior poses, triangle, pigeon, cobra, child’s pose, balance poses
- 5 min cool-down: Savasana