
Sliding window algorithms are used to perform operations on contiguous subarrays (or subsequences) of a fixed size k within a larger array (or sequence) of size n. A naive approach often leads to time complexity, where we iterate over each window. However, using double-ended queues (deques), one can often reduce this to by efficiently maintaining information about the current window.


The key to efficient sliding window processing with deques lies in maintaining a monotonic deque. This means that the elements in the deque are either monotonically increasing or monotonically decreasing based on the problem.

General Algorithm Structure

  1. Initialization: Create an empty deque dq
  2. Process the first k elements: Add elements to the deque while maintaining the monotonic property. Often we add index of element instead of element itself.
  3. Process the remaining elements (from k to n-1):
    1. Remove elements from the front of dq that are no longer within the current window (i.e., their indices are less than i - k + 1)
    2. Remove elements from the back of dq to maintain the monotonic property.
    3. Add the current element to the back of dq
    4. Perform the desired operation using the elements in dq.
  4. Process the last window (if necessary): Sometimes a final operation needs to be performed after the main loop.


At any given point in time, the deque has the following properties:

  • It only contains elements whose indices are within the current window. This is ensured by popping elements from the front of the queue whose indices are outside of window
  • It contains elements with their indices in strictly increasing order, since new elements with higher indices are always pushed to the back of the deque
  • Before pushing an element, we “manipulate” the deque, e.g. pop from the rear, in order to maintain the monotonic property
  • Performing the desired operation can be done at the end of the iteration or in between, depending on the problem and the window range


Problem: Sliding Window Maximum
A nice example will be finding the maximum element in each subarray of size k. Maintain a monotonically decreasing deque of indices based on the values in the array. arr[dq[i]] > arr[dq[j]] if i < j. Thus, The front of the deque (dq.front()) always contains the index of the maximum element in the current window.

vector<int> maxSlidingWindow(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
    int n = nums.size();
    if(n == 0) return {};
    vector<int> result;
    deque<int> dq;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        // Remove indices that are out of the current window [i-k+1, i]
        if (!dq.empty() && dq.front() < i - k + 1) {
        // Remove indices whose corresponding values are less than nums[i]
        while (!dq.empty() && nums[i] >= nums[dq.back()]) {
        // Add current index
        // Once the first window is complete, record the maximum element for each window
        if (i >= k - 1) {
    return result;