
The staircase search algorithm (aka zigzag search) is an efficient technique for finding a target value in a 2D matrix that is sorted both row-wise (ascending from left to right) and column-wise (ascending from top to bottom).

Core Idea: Observe that if pick any element a[row][col], then all elements up and left i.e. a[:row][:col] are smaller than it, and all elements down and right i.e a[row:, col:] are greater than it. Thus, if we start at either the top-right or bottom-left corner of the matrix, then by comparing the current element with the target, we can do divide and conquer in each step, leading to an time complexity.

Algorithm (Top-Right Start):

  1. Start at the top-right element (row = 0, col = n - 1).
  2. Compare:
    • If matrix[row][col] == target: Target found! Return True.
    • If matrix[row][col] > target: Move one column to the left (col -= 1).
    • If matrix[row][col] < target: Move one row down (row += 1).
  3. Out of Bounds: If row or col go out of bounds, the target is not in the matrix. Return False.


If we start from bottom-left, we traverse up and right through the matrix.

Why Top-Right/Bottom-Left?
Only these starting positions guarantee that a single comparison with the target gives a unique direction to move (left or down from top-right, up or right from bottom-left). Starting at other corners leads to ambiguity.

Time Complexity: - Linear with respect to the dimensions of the matrix.
Space Complexity: - Constant extra space.