
A stable sorting algorithm is a sorting algorithm that preserves the relative order of elements with equal keys. In other words, if two elements have the same value (according to the sorting criterion), their order in the sorted output will be the same as their order in the original input.


Consider sorting the array [2a, 2b, 1] using an unstable sorting algorithm. Here, 2a and 2b represent two elements with the same value (2), but with different identifiers (a and b) to track their original order.

  • Initial array: [2a, 2b, 1]
  • Possible sorted array (unstable): [1, 2b, 2a]

Notice that 2b now comes before 2a, even though 2a appeared before 2b in the original array. A stable sorting algorithm would have produced [1, 2a, 2b].

Why is Stability Important?

Stability is crucial especially when Sorting on Multiple Attributes: Imagine sorting a list of people first by last name and then by first name. A stable sort ensures that after sorting by first name, people with the same first name will remain sorted by their last names (the order established in the previous sort). An unstable sort might jumble the order of people with the same first name, losing the previous sorting by last name

Stable vs. Unstable Sorting Algorithms

Stable Sorting Algorithms:

  • counting sort: As explained in counting sort is stable, its stability comes from processing the input array in reverse order when building the output array
  • merge sort: Merge sort is inherently stable. During the merge step, if elements from the left and right subarrays are equal, the element from the left subarray is always taken first, preserving the original order
  • insertion sort: Insertion sort is also stable. When inserting an element, it’s placed after any existing elements with the same value
  • bubble sort: Bubble sort, when implemented correctly, is stable. Adjacent elements are swapped only if they are strictly out of order (e.g., a > b), not if they are equal (a >= b)
  • radix sort: Radix sort’s stability depends on the stability of the digit-sorting algorithm it uses (often counting sort). If the underlying digit sort is stable, radix sort is also stable
  • tim sort: Hybrid of merge and insertion

Unstable Sorting Algorithms:

  • quick sort: Quick sort is generally not stable. The partitioning step can change the relative order of equal elements. While stable versions of quicksort exist, they typically require additional space or complexity
  • heap sort: Heap sort is unstable. The heap operations: heapify, insert, delete do not guarantee the preservation of the original order of equal elements
  • selection sort: Selection sort is unstable. The swapping of the minimum element with the current element can disrupt the order of equal elements
  • shell sort: Shell sort is an extension of insertion sort, but it is generally unstable due to the larger gaps used in the initial passes