
A queue (FIFO) is implemented using two stacks (LIFO) with the following approach:

  • Stack 1 (st1) temporarily holds new elements when the front stack is non-empty
  • Stack 2 (st2) holds elements in queue order. All pop and peek operations are performed here

Key operations:

  1. Push:
    • If st2 is empty, push directly to st2 (this becomes the front)
    • If st2 is not empty, push to st1 (waiting to be transferred later).
  2. Pop:
    • Remove the top of st2 (front of the queue).
    • If st2 becomes empty, transfer all elements from st1 to st2 (reversing their order again to restore FIFO sequence).

Why It Works:

  • Order Reversal: Transferring elements from st1 to st2 reverses their order (LIFO → FIFO).
  • Lazy Transfer: Elements stay in st1 until st2 is empty, minimizing unnecessary operations.


Observe that st2 will only be empty when the queue itself is empty. So now, if a single element has to be pushed, we can push it to st2. This will make sure we can always do peek in O(1). Further pushes should go to st1 like usual.

void copy_from_st1_to_st2(stack<int> &st1, stack<int> &st2) {
  while (!st1.empty()) {
void solve() {
  int n;
  cin >> n;
  stack<int> st1, st2;
  string cmd;
  int val;
  while (n--) {
    cin >> cmd;
    if (cmd == "push") {
      cin >> val;
      if (st2.empty())
    } else if (cmd == "pop") {
      if (!st2.empty()) {
        cout << << endl;
      if (st2.empty())
        copy_from_st1_to_st2(st1, st2);
    } else {
      // cmd will be "front" or "peek"
      if (!st2.empty())
        cout << << endl;


Commands: push 1, push 2, push 3, peek, pop, pop, pop

  1. push 1
    1. st2 is empty → st2 = [1]
  2. push 2
    1. st2 not empty → st1 = [2]
  3. push 3
    1. st2 not empty → st1 = [2, 3]
  4. peek
    1. return
  5. pop (first)
    1. pop 1 from st2 (now st2 = [], i.e. empty)
    2. Transfer st1 to st2:
      1. Pop 3 from st1 → push to st2 (st2 = [3])
      2. Pop 2 from st1 → push to st2 (st2 = [3, 2])
  6. pop (second)
    1. Pop 2 from st2 (now st2 = [3])
  7. pop (third)
    1. Pop 3 from st2st2 is empty. No transfer needed as st1 is empty

Output: 1, 1, 2, 3 (correct FIFO order).

Amortized Time Complexity:

  • push: O(1)
  • peek: O(1)
  • pop: O(1) (amortized, as each element is moved at most twice)

Space Complexity: , where n is the number of elements.