
Key differences:

  1. Construction Location
    • push_back() creates the object first, then copies/moves it into the vector
    • emplace_back() constructs the object directly in the vector’s memory
  2. Parameter Handling
    • push_back() takes a complete object of the container’s type
    • emplace_back() takes constructor arguments and forwards them to the object’s constructor
  3. Performance
    • emplace_back() is generally more efficient as it avoids unnecessary copies/moves
    • Most noticeable with complex objects like strings or custom classes
class MyClass {
    int x;
    std::string y;
    MyClass(int x, std::string y) : x(x), y(y) {}
  std::vector<MyClass> vec;
  vec.push_back(MyClass(42, "test")); // Creates temporary object, then moves it
  vec.emplace_back(42, "test"); // Constructs object directly in vector}
  cout << vec[0].x << endl;

Best practices:

  • Use emplace_back() when constructing new objects
  • Use push_back() when adding existing objects
  • push_back() might be clearer when working with simple types like int or double