
One of the basic operations in linear algebra is matrix multiplication

There are multiple ways to interpret mat-mul apart from the rather conventional dot product of rows of with columns of .

Rows x Columns

The familiar perspective of taking dot products of rows of with columns of to obtain the product . Mathematically,

Matrix x Columns

The interpretation here is that, each column of specifies a linear combination of columns of , to produce the columns of . So, if we want to rearrange the columns of a matrix, multiply it by another matrix on the right.


Find the transformation matrix that changes the sign of column of and swaps the and columns. (Note is a matrix, say)

Rows x Matrix

can also be viewed as multiplying each row of by the matrix on the right. Multiplying a row vector by a matrix on the right produces another row vector. Each row of specifies a linear combination of rows of to produce rows of . So, if we want to rearrange the rows of a matrix, multiply it by another matrix on the left.


Find the transformation matrix that adds the third row of to two times the first row and leaves other rows untouched (P.S: similar to steps done during Gaussian Elimination).

Columns x Rows

The key to this perspective is to observe:

  • Elements in column of only multiply elements in row of .
  • A column times a row vector, sometimes denoted , is an outer product and produces a rank- matrix (as the matrix has one independent vector and others are multiples of it).
    So, from this perspective, we could write:




We then have:

Thus, can be written as the sum of the corresponding column-row outer products.