
In the case of classification, cross-entropy loss (CE) function in Pytorch is equivalent to a combination of Log+Softmax and negative log likelihood loss in pytorch (NLL).

logits = torch.tensor([0.2, 2.0, 1.4])
target_class_id = torch.tensor(1)

Logits are shaped as [C] where C is the number of classes.
Target is an index among C

logits.shape: torch.Size([3])
target_class_id.shape: torch.Size([])

Our goal with these loss functions is to find how bad the prediction probability is for the target class given by target_class_id

  • Convert logits to probabilities with F.softmax(...)
  • Convert probabilities to log likelihoods with torch.log(...)
  • Apply F.nll_loss(...) against the target_class_id
  • This is equal to Cross entropy loss
ce_loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, target_class_id)
nll_loss = F.nll_loss(F.log_softmax(logits, dim=0), target_class_id)
print(ce_loss, nll_loss) # tensor(0.5389) tensor(0.5389)
print(torch.isclose(ce_loss, nll_loss)) # tensor(True)


  • CrossEntropyLoss can take probability vector (can be one-hot encoded) as input as well as just the target class id, while NLLLoss strictly takes only target class id as input
  • This means we can’t use label smoothing with NLLLoss