
This note compiles various techniques for counting subarrays within an array or string, often used in problems involving contribution technique and combinatorial analysis. We’ll cover different scenarios and how to approach them.

1. Total Number of Subarrays

Given an array (or string) of length n, the total number of possible subarrays is given by:

Explanation: A subarray is defined by its starting and ending indices. We can choose two indices (possibly the same) from n+1 possible positions (think of the positions between elements, plus the start and end). This is equivalent to choosing 2 items from n+1 with replacement, which is a combination with repetition problem. Alternatively, you can think of it as summing the number of subarrays starting at each index: n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1, which also equals n(n+1)/2.

Example: For an array [a, b, c] (n=3), the subarrays are: [a], [a, b], [a, b, c], [b], [b, c], [c]. There are 6 subarrays, and 3 * (3+1) / 2 = 6.

2. Subarrays Containing a Specific Element

If we want to count the number of subarrays that contain a specific element at index i, we can use the following approach:

  • Left Boundary Choices: The subarray can start at any index from 0 up to and including i. This gives us i + 1 choices
  • Right Boundary Choices: The subarray can end at any index from i up to and including n-1. This gives us n - i choices

Therefore, the total number of subarrays containing the element at index i is:

Example: In the array [a, b, c, d] (n=4), consider the element c at index i=2.

  • Left boundary choices: [a, b, c], [b, c], [c] (3 choices, or )
  • Right boundary choices: [c], [c, d] (2 choices, or )
  • Total subarrays containing c:

This is heavily used in problems like calculating the sum of all subarrays. Each element a[i] contributes its value multiplied by the number of subarrays it’s present in.

3. Subarrays with Specific Properties (Contribution Technique)

Many problems require counting subarrays that satisfy a particular condition. The contribution technique is often useful here. Instead of iterating through all possible subarrays, we iterate through each element (or each unique element) and determine how many subarrays satisfy the condition due to that element.

Example Problems:

  • count unique chars in all substrings: For each character at index i, we find the previous (lpos[i]) and next (rpos[i]) occurrences of the same character. The number of substrings where s[i] is the unique occurrence of that character is (i - lpos[i]) * (rpos[i] - i). This is a direct application of the “subarrays containing a specific element” principle, but with constraints on the boundaries

  • [[6 Problems/appeals of all substrings#Approach 1 (Contribution technique)|appeals of all substrings#Approach 1 (Contribution technique)]]: Similar to the above, we count substrings where s[i] is the first occurrence of that character. The contribution of s[i] is (i - prev_i) * (n - i), where prev_i is the index of the previous occurrence

  • [[6 Problems/appeals of all substrings#Approach 3 (Contribution Technique + Combinatorics)|appeals of all substrings#Approach 3 (Contribution Technique + Combinatorics)]]: Here, we count substrings that do not contain a specific character. We divide the string into chunks of characters not equal to the target character. For a chunk of size k, there are k(k+1)/2 substrings

4. Subarrays with Sum Constraints (Prefix Sums)

Problems that involve counting subarrays whose sum meets certain conditions (e.g., sum at most K, sum equals K) often benefit from using prefix sums.

Example Problems:

  • [[2 Zettels/two pointers + prefix sums array#|subarrays with sum atmost K]]: By calculating the prefix sums, you can efficiently determine the sum of any subarray in . Combined with two pointers technique, you can efficiently count subarrays meeting the sum constraint.