
The concept of partial sums extends naturally to two-dimensional arrays (matrices). A 2D partial sum matrix PS for a matrix M is defined such that PS[i][j] stores the sum of all elements in the sub-rectangle from M[0][0] to M[i][j]. Constructing the prefix matrix as well as doing range sum query leverages (inclusion-exclusion principle):

We want the sum of the rectangle up to (i, j). We can achieve this by:

  1. Taking the sum of the rectangle up to (i-1, j): PS[i-1][j]
  2. Taking the sum of the rectangle up to (i, j-1): PS[i][j-1]
  3. Notice that the rectangle up to (i-1, j-1) has been added twice (once in step 1 and once in step 2). We need to subtract it once: - PS[i-1][j-1]
  4. Finally, add the current element M[i][j]

Thus, formula is: PS[i][j] = PS[i-1][j] + PS[i][j-1] - PS[i-1][j-1]

Once prefix sum array is constructed, we are usually asked to answer range queries (for sums). We have the formula as:

SumRectangle(r1, c1, r2, c2) = PS[r2][c2] - PS[r1-1][c2] - PS[r2][c1-1] + PS[r1-1][c1-1]


  1. PS[r2][c2] includes the sum of the entire rectangle from (0, 0) to (r2, c2).
  2. PS[r1-1][c2] (if r1 > 0) removes the sum of the rectangle above our target rectangle (from (0, 0) to (r1-1, c2)).
  3. PS[r2][c1-1] (if c1 > 0) removes the sum of the rectangle to the left of our target rectangle (from (0, 0) to (r2, c1-1)).
  4. PS[r1-1][c1-1] (if r1 > 0 and c1 > 0) was subtracted twice (once in step 2 and once in step 3), so we need to add it back to correct for the over-subtraction. This rectangle represents the area that was removed twice.